47 Things you should have by 47
If you don’t know I celebrated my 47th birthday this past weekend, where have you been?! I’ve mentioned it no less than forty severn times on @mardachaffins. I’ve been so excited about my birhtday this year. It’s not a milestone number. Don’t get me wrong, they are all milestones, but I mean it’s not one of those significant ones that they make party decorations for. I didn’t have any big plans. I wasn’t expecting any outlandish gifts. I think I’ve just reached an age where I am at peace.
I recently read Midlife Battle Cry by Dawn Barton. Get it here! It’s an entertaining, uplifting, easty to read book about midlife and how we tend to go into it thinking “is this it?”. However, the secnod half of our life can actually be the best part. We have experienced love, loss, achievements, failures. We have built homes and careers. The hardest part of childrearing is probably over for most of us and we can now cheer them on as they chase their dreams and see the world, just as we taught them to do.
I’m excited about my age. My 47 year old story has had the highest highs and the lowest lows, but it’s my story and what makes me the only Marada Chaffins that God created. Sure, I remember some things with sadness, but the overall picture, I look at with awe. I think if you can say the good far outweighs the bad, you are extrememely blessed.
In celebrating my 47th, I compiled this list of 47 Things Every Woman Should Have at 47…
A thirty second elevator speech. Be prepared to introduce yourself to anyone at any time. You never what opportunity awaits.
A life quote. Mine is “Everyone has a story. Some of them just go unpublished”.
Two LBD’s (little black dress). One should be modest and appropriate for work wear or church attire. The other should be one that could transition from cocktail party attire to date night look, depending on how you accessorize it.
Rainy day savings. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Have some money put back in case of sickness, loss of job or any other unexpected lifechanging event. A lot of financial advisors will suggest you have enough put back to pay three month’s of your bills.
A favorite book. You will get asked this question many times. Don’t be the person who says “I don’t know”. If you don’t have one, now is the time to find one. Read a book or at the very least, read about a book! Cliffs Notes still exist! Just be able to say something and why! My favorite is The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.
A good skin care routine. I had “good” skin when I was younger and so I didn’t understand the importance of preventative measures. My forties have been another story! From dryness, discoloration, fine lines and breakouts, I have battled with my complexion. Thanks to Lifeline Skincare, I have seen an amazing improvement in my skin. I’m so grateful! These are the products I use and you can get them HALF OFF by using code: maradachaffins.
A hobby. I had this discussion with my bestie recently. Everyone needs something, aside from work, that they invest time into. This should be something that you don’t have to count on anyone else to do with you, including significant others. I so often remind my students that you can’t “pour from an empty cup”. If you don’t fill yourself up, you have nothing to give.
A bucket list. There’s just not enough days in this lifetime to do it all…see it all. That’s why it’s so important that we constantly be planning the next thing on the list. I made a post divorce bucket list and by golly, I checked off almost every single item. (Unfortunately, I will never check off seeing Tina Turner in concert :( ) After that list was almost complete, I started another. There is always something new to learn, a food to try, a place to visit…
A tried and true recipe to prepare if you have company. It doesn’t have to be “fancy” or complicated. Regardless if it’s a crockpot dish, a casserole or an Italian feast, just have one. I don’t suggest trying new recipes on guests.
Piggy backing off of #9, keep something on hand to feed “unexpected” guests. My favorite is a block of cream cheese, a jar of chutney and a box of crackers.
A pearl necklace. Regardless if the pearls are authentic or faux, you need a pearl necklace. It adds a touch of elegance to any look. I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve been asked to borrow a pearl necklace. Here are some, both high and low.
A list of your daily meds. You may or may not be on them, but you will never visit a doctor, without being asked what medicines you are currently taking. My mom never fails to pull a sheet of paper from her wallet and the nurses are always so thankful and impressed with her record keeping. In case of an emergency, it’s very important for first responders to know your history.
Confidence to stand up for what you believe. As a recovering people pleaser, I failed miserably at this for years. We will never see eye to eye on every single issue with any one person. It doesn’t happen. However, don’t feel forced to sway. Living in harmony with people of differing opinions than yours IS possible. Be able to back up your “why” intelligently. Show them respect for their views, just as they should reciprocate the same respect to you.
Tying in with #13 is, voter registration. Ladies, I can only hope that at 47 years of age, you are a registered voter AND practice that priviledge every chance you get.
A headshot. If you can afford a professional headshot, great! If not, have a friend take it! Just remember you need a well lit area, with a solid color background, a white wall or a white sheet is perfect! Wear a solid color, waist up. (Maybe refer back to your #3 here). Put on your best self…hair clean and styled, makeup as you would wear to a job interview and simple stud earrings.
A will. I know, it’s not anything we want to think about. Take it from me. Make the will. When you are gone, you don’t want loved ones dealing with people coming out of the woodworks for their “share”. Like Forest Gump, “that’s all I got to say about that”.
Some pretty sleepwear. Listen, your husband’s t-shirts feel great, but you will feel so much better going to sleep and waking up in something that is pretty, clean and comfy. You don’t have to spend a lot. You don’t have to fill a dresser drawer up with them. Wear them, wash them and wear them again!
A regret. Have you even lived if you don’t have one thing that you can honestly say you regret doing ( or not doing)!?
A good health care provider. Things are changing in our bodies. Our bones are becoming more brittle. Some body functions are speeding up and some are slowing down. Let’s not forget hormones going crazy. Make sure your doctor is someone who will listen intently to your concerns.
A heating pad. These are not only great for aches and pains, but also a quick warm up on cold days.
Courage to say “no”. Our time on this earth dwindles with every breath we take. Don’t waste any of your precious time being with people you don’t want to be with, doing things you don’t want to do. Realize it’s ok to say “no”, even if it may not be what your friends or family would hope to hear.
Someone to call in an emergency. Of course, call 911 first, but have a phone number for a neighbor that you can call if you have an emergency at home.
A secret that you will never tell even your closest friend.
A passport. I think everyone needs one.
An overnight bag. You may not be a frequent traveler. Not everyone needs a full set of luggage. However, regardless if it’s an overnight work trip, spending a weekend with your child or a dreaded overnight hospital stay, you need a cute bag to put your things in.
A pair of work boots. Well let me explain this one a bit more. Mine actually started as a cute pair of rain boots but after last year’s flood, I deemed them my work boots. Flip flops don’t always cut it! You want something that covers your foot and goes up on your calf….think snakes in the grass!
A philanthropic cause that you donate to regularly. You don’t have to chair a black tie gala to do something that matters. There are so many small things you can do that make a big impact. Ring the Salvation Army bell, walk in a Relay for Life, donate a can of food to your local food pantry…the options are endless.
A gift drawer. I have to admit I am slacking with this one. Last minute invitations are common and you don’t want to show up to someone’s house without a gift. Some suggestions: jams, wines and candles.
A sentimental item in your home. I have several, lots actually. My girls’ coming home outfits are shadowboxed. Grandma’s blue and white dishes and her handwritten gingerbread recipe are both lovingly displayed in my kitchen. My home is filled with several pieces from grandparents on both sides. I think these things make a house a home. Not to menton, the smiles they bring when you look at them and think back on special people and moments.
A song that makes you turn up the volume and get moving every time you hear it!
PayPal or Venmo.
A positive attitude.
A planner. You may be the modern woman, who uses her phone to keep track of appointments OR you may be a traditionalist, like myself, who prefers an old fashioned paper planner to write down everything. Either way, our upcoming years will only be getting busier. From attending grandchildren’s ballgames to doctor’s appointments and everything in between, keep a calendar filled with all.
Mammogram. Hopefully, you have already had one, if not now is the time. Early detection is key. They do NOT hurt!
While we are on the topic, a good fitting bra! The right bra makes such a huge diffeence not only, in how your clothes look, but how you feel about yourself. The wrong bra, and the issues that come with it, from sagging to spillage, can lead to poor posture. If you can only get one, get a nude one. Here are my favorites.
A comfy bed. We spend a great deal of our life in our bed. Restful sleep aids so many of our body’s functions from our mood to digestion. Do what you can to make your bed comfy and cozy. A little tip for you, Black Friday and Amazon Prime Day are both great opportunities to find deals on sheets, pillows and even mattresses.
A pair of jeans that fit you the way jeans are made to fit you! This pair of jeans should make you feel like “The STUFF” when you put them on. You know the drill: not too loose, not too tight, good length, no low-riders! My all time favorite are here.
A friend from childhood. We make so many new friends during the course of our lifetime, but there’s a special bond when you can reconnect with a lifelong friend and share “remember whens”.
A low point that you can reflect on and think how far you’ve come!
Good hygiene! Ok, this one SHOULD be a given and you SHOULD have it way before the age of 47, but for those who may have missed the memo, for the sake of yourself and others, please practice good hygiene! This goes beyond bathing and wearing deodorant. Good hygiene should include clean nails (no chipped polish), clean hair, clean clothes and shoes. Don’t forget brushing and flossing and keeping mints or breath spray for fresh breath. Remove your makeup properly. You don’t want that black resideue under your eyes from old mascara! (And I just want to repeat, no chipped polish! That’s a real pet peeve of mine.)
A place you can go to clear your mind. It may be a walk in the hills, your backporch or a drive thru your old neighborhood. It needs to be somewhere nearby that you can go to if you are feeling overwhelmed.
Someone to look up to. I strongly detest “copy cats”, but I do believe in studying someone you admire and taking notes.
A healthy eating plan. For me, I feel my best when I’m sticking to a low carb diet. No one loves a slice of cheesecake more than I do and I certainly indulge from time to time. However, my regular routine is lots of salads, berries, high protein, high fiber and low carb. Let’s not forget….lots of water!
AAA Insurance! This is not a paid endorsement. I think every driver, man or woman, should have AAA coverage. They have came to my aid with flat tires, dead batteries and no fuel. You are even covered as a passenger in someone else’s vehicle! Love it!
A go-to karaoke song.
Belief in yourself.
A Sophie. You can’t have mine though!
I’d love to hear what you would add to, or omit from, the list!
Here’s to 47…
A surprise birthday luncheon at Genesis House of Tea
Birthday morning breakfast with the family at Pine Mountain Grill.