My Christmas Wish…

Christmas is nearing! The most exciting time of the year! Today, I want to make you aware of something, that unless you’ve lived it, you probably wouldn’t even think of it. Let me first say, I’ve been very blessed in this regard. I’m not saying divorce is a blessing, but I am saying that my circumstances have been. i’m asking you to take into consideration single moms at Christmas. For one, kids love being able to give their parents a gift. Now as I said, my ex-husband and I always got gifts for the other, from our daughters. Grandparents also are good about making sure there is something from the girls under the tree. Not everyone is so lucky! If you know of a family, where this may not be the case, offer to help! If you’re close enough to the family, invite the children to go shopping with you and give them a few dollars to pick something up for their parent. If taking them shopping isn’t an option, maybe ask them what they would like to get and bring that to them, along with some gift wrap! This little gesture would mean SO much to not only the parent, but the kids! Secondly, Santa sometimes needs help. It can be difficult to secretly put things in a buggy, with little ones in tow. Maybe the family lives in a smaller home, with no extra space for hiding gifts. Offer your help! Finally, not all custody/visitation arrangements are easy. There are parents that may only get their children every other Christmas, or maybe one parent gets Christmas Eve and the other gets Christmas Day (again, I’ve been blessed). Consider how hard this is. Reach out to them. Don’t let them be alone on Christmas. My Christmas wish is that this blog post has opened your eyes and heart, to something that maybe would have never crossed your mind before. Holidays are wonderful…but they can also be hard.



Fairfield Farm and Cottage


Turkey and all the fixin’s